Monday, May 21, 2012


It was a little over 25 years ago that the voters of Wisconsin approved having a lottery.  They didn't know that a federal judge would rule that by approving the lottery they would also have to allow Indian casinos.  There are now 17 of these Indian casinos in the state, with everything from bingo to slot machine to board games (blackjack, poker, etc).  The net win for the casinos last year was 1.18 BILLION dollars.  They paid about 50 million to the state a rate of 4.2%.  The lottery pays back about 28%.

A little less than a year ago some co-workers took me to the local casino for the first time.  It was quite the experience.  Dark, no clocks, no corners, easy to get lost.  They showed me a few of the ins and outs of some of the games, and I had a good time.  Won a little bit of money, had a few beers, enjoyable afternoon with some buddies.  Figured that was the end of it.

I have gone back.  Probably 10 or 15 times now.  They make it so easy, those nice Indian friends of mine.  They send you offers in the mail for free dinners and free gambling---just enough to get you started.   They will even transport you to the casino if you'd like.  I figure I am somewhere about even.  I play nothing more than 2 cent slots, and I enjoy myself.  I sometimes go before work so I don't have time to lose too much---just enough time to use the "free plays" they send out.  I eat the meals at the restaurants.  Real good food and the prices are right!  I don't win much but I don't lose much and its fun to play.  And addictive....

I know a few people who have lost a ton of money at the casino.  They always figure they are going to hit it big.  Don't we all.  I see people there who are in a bad way.  I hear them talking about how they need to make money to pay the rent or the utility bill.  People come up and ask for money, or try and sell you stuff.  Help one out and you'll have a load of people asking for things.  I have seen homeless people at the casino in the morning.  It's warm, and as long as you keep moving I don't think they bother you.  I also saw a couple of guys try to rob a guys machine one time (staged fight), but there are so many cameras and security people I just kind of laughed.

Proponents of Indian casinos will tell you how many jobs have been created and how much money they pay in taxes and pour back into the community.  They don't tell you about the people who lose the rent money.  They don't tell you about businesses that went broke because people spend there money in the casinos.  Back when I worked for the beer distributor I called on a tavern called Bendolls.  Ben knew that gambling was coming, and said if they don't allow slots in bars the little corner places would be gone.  There are a lot of other reasons as well, but I guess he was right about gambling hurting business.  And how many bars have these video pokers games in them now "just for fun"?  Count your credits, they'll pay you off. You wonder if tax revenue to the state wouldn't be greater if people were spending this gambling money at the local grocer or tavern or any other business.  When I go to the casino, if I lose a hundred bucks, I'm not happy, but it doesn't kill me.  I don't worry about paying bills.  For some it seems to be make or break.

Well, casino gambling is here to stay.  Kinda' like putting toothpaste back into the tube.  Not gonna' happen. If you choose to go  to one of these establishments I hope you are able to do so responsibly.  Don't believe the advertisements.  Don't  take food out of your families mouth trying to hit the big one.  Take it for the entertainment that it is.

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