Thursday, August 29, 2013

This and That

A few things on my mind....

Shame to see those wild fires out in Yosemite.  I have been there on a family vacation, and the place truly is a sight to be seen.  I remember the family heading  out early one morning for a daylong hike to see the Giant Sequoias.  They are majestic.  Hope they are able to get the fires put out without too much more damage.

The Harley's are coming....or are already here!  It's the 110th birthday party, and they are rolling out the red carpet here in southeastern Wisconsin.  There are highway signs pointing out different attractions, big doings on the Summerfest grounds, and the city is spending time and resources cleaning up the Third Ward--sweeping streets, fixing roads, picking garbage.  Seems to me they should be doing this all the time.  Some folks are unhappy with the distractions and inconveniences, but I look at the economic impact and am glad to have the visitors.  And they'll be gone in a week anyways.

It's back to school time. Every years the kids go back to schools and the Misses goes back to work.  I watch the neighborhood population decrease as kids head off to college.  I know there are many folks who look forward to having their kids back to school, but it's always kind of a sad time for me. Not only is summertime just about done, but it always means the kids are getting older.  I have always liked having my kids around, and I miss them when they are not here. Time marches on.

Of course, this means the NFL season is upon us, and that means Packer football around here.  And for many, if not most, fantasy football as well.  I've played for years, either having a team of my own, or sharing a team with a neighbor.  This year, I am out!  I did this a few years ago before being drawn back in, and am looking forward to not worrying about a yard here or an extra point there or who the third string tight end for the Browns is.  I won't worry about lineups when I'm out of town, and won't be concerned about some guy from Tampa Bays knee injury.  I will probably miss it dearly.

Finally, we have come to the end of an era.  The Misses and I have decided there will be no Chuckapalooza this year.  We've been having our little get together for 20 years, but have decided to take a break.  We need to get the darling daughter back to college, and the getting ready  has become more of an effort than I care to put up with.  We have had more fun over the years than I can put into words.  Gone through hundreds of brats and burgers, pounds of slaw and spuds, and many of gallons of beer.  It has been great having neighbors and friends and relatives over, and the memories I will cherish forever.  But doing it every year has finally become a chore, and when it becomes work then that's enough. I am pretty sure that this is not the last Chuckapalooza though. After all, we have a bunch of new neighbors who have never had the chance to experience this great event, and I am sure old friends will miss it as well.  So, make your plans now for 2014, we'll see you here on the Sunday before Labor Day,,,,,sooner as well I hope!

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