Friday, December 14, 2012

Sandy Hook

What a sad sad day.  Twenty children killed, as well as six others.  What a sad time we are living in.  What could be so terrible in a person's life that they feel the need to shoot defenseless school children.  I don't really care to say anymore on this, because there is still too much unknown.

What are we going do about this shooting, as well as the others that have been happening all too much recently.  Are we going to turn all the schools into fortresses?  Are we going to stop going to theaters and shopping malls?  I'm still waiting for something to happen at a sporting event--kind of surprised that they haven't already.  Are we going to get rid of the guns, or are we simply going to have everyone armed? 

I feel so sorry for the surviving kids and their families, for the families who have lost family members, for the entire community.  As a father, I thought my number one job is to make sure my kids were safe.  What a helpless feeling those parents must have.  I feel for them.  Sadly, their lives will be changed forever. 

I thing it's time for our elected officials, our leaders, to get out in front on this.  There are way too many of these incidents happening now.  Whether it's stricter gun control, more security, harsher sentencing---something needs to be done.  Sooner rather than later, I hope.

1 comment:

  1. Stricter gun control? Kind of like stricter prohibition? How well did that work? Maybe we should make it illegal to have a gun in your possession on school grounds? Oh wait, that is already a law. Gun control won't do it. Our society has lost it's way! How do we fix this?
