Well we were up early this morning, headed up to Seattle. Washington is a very pretty state, but they have a few short comings. Like road signs. Very very bad. The drivers aren't the best in the world either. But these are things you deal with, just the way it goes. So once we arrived in Seattle, we were off to Pike's Market. Lot's of little shops, good beer, touristy market place. I was amazed at the number of people walking around this downtown area. Pretty soon we headed a couple of miles away to head up the Space Needle.
Now we know how I feel about heights. And waiting around for three hours or so didn't help the situation any. But the Misses wanted to go up, so away I went. I wasn't wild about the elevator ride up, but I tried not to look out on the rip up. And it wasn't too bad while I was in the enclosed observation deck. But then I threw caution to the wind and headed outside with the Misses. It wasn't that bad as I stayed away from the edge. So I started trying to catch up with the Misses to surprise here. And then the wind hit. And that about did it for me. Grabbing on to anything that was fastened down. People were nice enough to get out of my way, and I did make it back inside without any further incident. Was very happy to get back on solid ground.
Had dinner at a place called The Pike Brewery. This place has the best collection of brewery flats I've ever seen, along with tap knobs, signs, trays etc. I figure somewhere around two to three hundred grand in stuff. Good food, great beer. Would highly recommend it. It was really a nice leisurely day. Lots of walking, but a fun day in Seattle. Beautiful city, lots of people. Glad we spent the day, can only imagine what else there is to see here. Spending the night here in Seattle at some no name hotel (it'll do), and tomorrow off to Olympic National Park. We may get wet, we won't melt.....
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