Well, that time of year has rolled around again, and I'm going to write about a few things I have learned in my fifty some years on the ol' orb. Hoping that my young friends and family will read this and talk about it and share it and maybe learn from some of my mistakes and experiences. So here I go....
Congratulations on your recent graduation my young friends. I am sure you are all excited about your upcoming careers. I would also imagine that some of you may be getting nervous about finding the perfect first job. You need to know this. You may not land your dream job right off the bat. Doesn't always happen. Sometimes it never does. Do not fret. Stay at it, and things tend to work out. You need to find that first job in order to get the next, "better" job.
Pay yourself first. If you have never heard this, somebody has failed you in your education. In about forty years or so, you will be looking to retire. You are going to need some funds. Social security? Good luck, I hope it is still around. Learn the miracle of compounding, the Rule of 72. I am sure you all know a business major. Ask if you don't know.
Do your best to take care of your health. You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26 years old. Enjoy it while you can. You will have premiums and deductibles and co-pays. It will not be cheap. There are some things that you can't control. Stay fit and healthy. You will save money and be happier.
Apologies to the marketing and advertising and salesmen/women who are my young friends out there, but you don't need everything people are trying to sell you. Apple will come out with a new product probably every year long after you and I are both gone. You don't need it just because somebody says you do. Know the difference between needs and want. You NEED food and shelter and to be clothed. You may need a car. You don't need a new Lexus. Yet.
You have not won, nor will you ever win, the Nigerian lottery. Do not be a fool. You are educated!! There are people out there who want your money. They are smart---but lazy. It is easier for them to steal from you than to earn things on their own. They are tricky. So guard your privacy. Change your passwords---if you think it's a pain now, wait until you're old like me. Don't make it easy for the leaches to take your stuff---you'll will have worked too hard.
Put the phones down once in awhile and talk to people. Not text them or IM them. TALK to them. It's interesting. You will probably learn something. While your at it, take noet of your surroundings. There is lots of stuff going on around you as you're walking down the street or driving around looking at your phone.
See the world. Whether the be your city or state or America or the world. It is truly a wonderful thing. Please remember in your travels that although most people are good, danger does lurk. Know where there is unrest. I would hate to read about a kidnapping, or worse. And while I'm on the subject of the world, you have work to do. The last hundred twenty five years or so, we have really screwed it up. We have eradicated species and resources, fouled the air and water, just really messed up. So reduce reuse recycle. Give a hoot, don't pollute. You all know the drill. It's the only earth we have---hope you can save it.
On you handheld device that you use to text and IM and FB and what not, there is a little icon that looks like a handset (goggle it!). If you punch in a series of numbers, you will be able to TALK to your parents and grandparents if you are lucky enough that they are still around. CALL US!! We are interested in how you are doing, if we can help you with anything, if you need anything. We know stuff. We won't be around forever.....
Just a couple of more things for now. Don't compare yourself with others, for always there will be those greater and lesser than you. Whatever career you choose, try to be the best at it that you can be, whether it be accountant or teacher or ditch digger. Just do your best. Have a little humility. I know a lot of successful people, a lot of people who are good at things. I would say one of the traits they all share is that they are at least a little humble.
Never argue with an idiot.
On your way up the ladder, try not to forget those not as successful as you. Most times it's not their fault. Help when you can. Remember, but for the grace of God, there go I......
Finally, life is meant to be LIVED!! Be involved. Find solutions. Cure something. Start something. Watch out for each other, take care of each other. You have already accomplished much---you have much to do. And once again.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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