Well it's about that time of year again. Time for the fruitless exercise (for me) of the new years resolutions. This is the time of year when people come up with all kinds of things they are either going to or not going to do. Whether it be quit smoking, eat better, be a better friend, cut out the swearing, there is always a multitude of things peple plan on doing.
I have had many new year's resolutions over the years. I have resolved to take better care of myself, to keep in touch with friends and families, to get my financial house in order, to keep my nose out of other people''s business. I have resolved to lose weight (more than once), cut down my alcohol intake, see a doctor once in awhile. I have resolved to unclutter my life, to clean drawers and closets, all kinds of things. Unfortunately, few if any of my resolutions have lasted more than a week or two.
There are people I know who are able to make resolutions and keep them .. I envy these people. They say they are going to do something and then they do it. So far I have been unable to accomplish this. Well enough is enough. I have decided that if I start with just a few small things I say I am going to do and get them done, maybe it will lead to bigger accomplishments. I'm hoping at least.....
......so here goes. For 2013, I resolve to---
not only cut the weight, but to keep it off this time. Gonna take a life style change or two, but I'm gonna do it. I resolve to get the will and living trust updated. Should be easy, but I've been putting it of for years. Needs to be done. And I resolve to start unloading some of the stuff around here. Hard to come up with a volume number, but if it hasn't been used, I getting rid of it. And finally, I resolve to finish the projects I have started around here before I start another. There are all kinds of partially finished things around here that need final touches. Everything gets done before I start anything else.....
Well I think that's a good start. Maybe now that it is on here people can keep me honest. I hope those of you who make new year's resolutions have good ones, and that you are able to keep them. And for those of you that don't, I'm happ for you.....
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