Well it's about that time of year again. Time for the fruitless exercise (for me) of the new years resolutions. This is the time of year when people come up with all kinds of things they are either going to or not going to do. Whether it be quit smoking, eat better, be a better friend, cut out the swearing, there is always a multitude of things peple plan on doing.
I have had many new year's resolutions over the years. I have resolved to take better care of myself, to keep in touch with friends and families, to get my financial house in order, to keep my nose out of other people''s business. I have resolved to lose weight (more than once), cut down my alcohol intake, see a doctor once in awhile. I have resolved to unclutter my life, to clean drawers and closets, all kinds of things. Unfortunately, few if any of my resolutions have lasted more than a week or two.
There are people I know who are able to make resolutions and keep them .. I envy these people. They say they are going to do something and then they do it. So far I have been unable to accomplish this. Well enough is enough. I have decided that if I start with just a few small things I say I am going to do and get them done, maybe it will lead to bigger accomplishments. I'm hoping at least.....
......so here goes. For 2013, I resolve to---
not only cut the weight, but to keep it off this time. Gonna take a life style change or two, but I'm gonna do it. I resolve to get the will and living trust updated. Should be easy, but I've been putting it of for years. Needs to be done. And I resolve to start unloading some of the stuff around here. Hard to come up with a volume number, but if it hasn't been used, I getting rid of it. And finally, I resolve to finish the projects I have started around here before I start another. There are all kinds of partially finished things around here that need final touches. Everything gets done before I start anything else.....
Well I think that's a good start. Maybe now that it is on here people can keep me honest. I hope those of you who make new year's resolutions have good ones, and that you are able to keep them. And for those of you that don't, I'm happ for you.....
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas
Christmas means so many different things to different people. From the getting together with family and friends to the baking, from the Christmas cards to the television specials, there are so many things to do and enjoy this time of the year. Sometimes it seems that there is just so much going on that there isn't time to get it all done. Everything seem to be more commercialized now more than ever--I guess it is just the chasing of the almighty dollar.
Christmas for us here has obviously changed for us as the kids have grown. I'll never forget Stew's first Christmas when he fell down the stairs due to his excitement. Or how the kids always sat at the stop of the stairs until Santa and his elves were ready for them to come down and open their gifts. And of course I remember helping ol' St. Nick assemble all that stuff....The gifts have changed from toys to athletic equipment to electronics to stuff for college. There have always been new clothes, probably something with the Packer logo, and usually something for the house. Somebody usually gets something that makes us all laugh as well.
As I get older, I find myself reflecting on things more this time of year. Those of you that know me know that I am not that religious, but as I look around I find myself thinking that all this stuff hasn't just happened. I find myself thinking about friends and relatives who have passed away. I find myself thinking about what the future holds, not just for myself, but for my kids and their kids to be. I worry some, but also find some measure of peacefulness.
So I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years. I hope you all enjoy being with friends and family if that is what you choose to do. I hope you all have a safe holiday season, and are able to enjoy the spirit of the season all year long. And I hope for my Christmas wish comes true, that we all can learn to get along.
Christmas for us here has obviously changed for us as the kids have grown. I'll never forget Stew's first Christmas when he fell down the stairs due to his excitement. Or how the kids always sat at the stop of the stairs until Santa and his elves were ready for them to come down and open their gifts. And of course I remember helping ol' St. Nick assemble all that stuff....The gifts have changed from toys to athletic equipment to electronics to stuff for college. There have always been new clothes, probably something with the Packer logo, and usually something for the house. Somebody usually gets something that makes us all laugh as well.
As I get older, I find myself reflecting on things more this time of year. Those of you that know me know that I am not that religious, but as I look around I find myself thinking that all this stuff hasn't just happened. I find myself thinking about friends and relatives who have passed away. I find myself thinking about what the future holds, not just for myself, but for my kids and their kids to be. I worry some, but also find some measure of peacefulness.
So I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years. I hope you all enjoy being with friends and family if that is what you choose to do. I hope you all have a safe holiday season, and are able to enjoy the spirit of the season all year long. And I hope for my Christmas wish comes true, that we all can learn to get along.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Desiderata----L. desired things
Back in the early '70s there was a "spoken word" record titled Desiderata. I haven't heard it probably since then. I remember that the words were printed in my religious school book, and that I had cut it out and saved it. I even remember sticking it on the mirror in college, and I know where my copy is today. I can say I haven't even thought about it in at least 25 years, but a couple of weeks ago I woke up with it on my mind.
Well we all know what the internet is, so it was pretty easy to look it up. I found out it was written by Max Ehrmann in 1927, and that Adlai Stevenson had planed to include in in his Christmas cards the year he died. All interesting or not. I have no idea why this thing popped into my head after all these years. Maybe it's all the complaining I've been hearing from people lately. Maybe it's age. Maybe I think I need a little religion and think this fits the bill. No clue. But I think it will give people something to think about, so I'm putting it here. Have a good day.....
Go placidly amidst the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full or trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fear and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentile with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you, on doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its shams, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Sandy Hook
What a sad sad day. Twenty children killed, as well as six others. What a sad time we are living in. What could be so terrible in a person's life that they feel the need to shoot defenseless school children. I don't really care to say anymore on this, because there is still too much unknown.
What are we going do about this shooting, as well as the others that have been happening all too much recently. Are we going to turn all the schools into fortresses? Are we going to stop going to theaters and shopping malls? I'm still waiting for something to happen at a sporting event--kind of surprised that they haven't already. Are we going to get rid of the guns, or are we simply going to have everyone armed?
I feel so sorry for the surviving kids and their families, for the families who have lost family members, for the entire community. As a father, I thought my number one job is to make sure my kids were safe. What a helpless feeling those parents must have. I feel for them. Sadly, their lives will be changed forever.
I thing it's time for our elected officials, our leaders, to get out in front on this. There are way too many of these incidents happening now. Whether it's stricter gun control, more security, harsher sentencing---something needs to be done. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
What are we going do about this shooting, as well as the others that have been happening all too much recently. Are we going to turn all the schools into fortresses? Are we going to stop going to theaters and shopping malls? I'm still waiting for something to happen at a sporting event--kind of surprised that they haven't already. Are we going to get rid of the guns, or are we simply going to have everyone armed?
I feel so sorry for the surviving kids and their families, for the families who have lost family members, for the entire community. As a father, I thought my number one job is to make sure my kids were safe. What a helpless feeling those parents must have. I feel for them. Sadly, their lives will be changed forever.
I thing it's time for our elected officials, our leaders, to get out in front on this. There are way too many of these incidents happening now. Whether it's stricter gun control, more security, harsher sentencing---something needs to be done. Sooner rather than later, I hope.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Christmas Spirit
Where is my Christmas spirit? I have none. No motivation to get the house decorated. I just keep thinking that the more stuff I put up the more I have to take down. I have no interest in any of the Christmas specials on TV. I think I must have seen them all dozens of times by now. Even listening to the Christmas music on the radio does nothing for me. Of course, it doesn't help when they play the same songs over and over and over again. Heck, we haven't even started with the decorating the house with the snowmen.
There will be no holiday party with the neighbors this year. Too much work. Don't feel like shopping, nobody has said they wanted anything, and I don't care to fight the crowds anymore. We have the tree bought, but it's just sitting out back, and I'm already worried about cleaning up the needles....
So why am I feeling this way? No idea. Maybe it's another year now with the kids not around as much. Maybe I'm just getting old and don't want the aggravation anymore. Maybe it's the even greater emphasis on material goods. Maybe it's because Thanksgiving fell early this year and there was no sense of urgency to get things done. Or maybe.....
.....we need some damn SNOW! Yeah I know it's a pain in the butt, but I like snow for Christmas! We don't need feet, but a couple of inches would be just fine with me. Think that it would really jump start the ol' Christmas spirit. Then all I'd have to do is break out that old Muppets Christmas special and I would be all set...can't wait.
There will be no holiday party with the neighbors this year. Too much work. Don't feel like shopping, nobody has said they wanted anything, and I don't care to fight the crowds anymore. We have the tree bought, but it's just sitting out back, and I'm already worried about cleaning up the needles....
So why am I feeling this way? No idea. Maybe it's another year now with the kids not around as much. Maybe I'm just getting old and don't want the aggravation anymore. Maybe it's the even greater emphasis on material goods. Maybe it's because Thanksgiving fell early this year and there was no sense of urgency to get things done. Or maybe.....
.....we need some damn SNOW! Yeah I know it's a pain in the butt, but I like snow for Christmas! We don't need feet, but a couple of inches would be just fine with me. Think that it would really jump start the ol' Christmas spirit. Then all I'd have to do is break out that old Muppets Christmas special and I would be all set...can't wait.
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