Happily it is Sunday, so I won't have to sort through all the political mail I have been receiving. It seems like there is more each day, mostly presidential and senatorial, but even some stuff from people running unopposed. I hadn't really paid much attention, but decided to take a little time to read some of the stuff.
Got a couple of pieces from the NRA. They are concerned about my right to bear arms, or to go hunting. I am concerned with all the shooting of people going on. I don't know anyone who goes hunting with an assault rifle. I don't really think anyone is going to be able to take away your hunting rifle. I think we need to keep military weapons out of private citizens hands.
I got some mail concerning family values. About Godless politicians. About gay marriage. I don't really care about gay marriage---what you do is your business. And my family values probably don't dovetail with yours either. Find it interesting that some folks (including some friends of mine) preach this family value and religious stuff but practice conflicting things. Better get your own house in order first....
Then I get the stuff about student loans. Now you have my interest, as I have a couple of college students, and know a ton more. I hate the fact that higher education prices have gone up so much. I think part of the deal there is that aid became too easy to get, and schools just raised tuition and fees to tap into it. I don't like the amount of debt kids graduate with. I think we need to keep interest rates down, but also think this is a problem we will be dealing with, sooner rather than later.
A lot of mail has been about jobs. About the need to create more jobs. About how we have to keep the jobs we have. I think everyone would agree we need more well paying, family supporting jobs. I think there are too many company executives only looking at the bottom line and their own checking account. I would agree people should be rewarded for their hard work and diligence. I would also state, though, that we are going to wind up with a two class society. And that upper class is going to be awful small. We can't just let people keep slipping into the lower class and poverty. Check your history---start about 1885 or so....
There has been other stuff as well--where and when to vote, vote early, stuff from unions, from PAC's, even a position paper on President Obama's plans for the next four years. I have gotten (and delivered) all kinds of election mail, with all kinds of different positions on different subjects. It is a lot of information to go through, but it important to figure out what is important to you and to vote accordingly. Good luck!
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