Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dad's Birthday

Today is my Dad's birthday.  He would have been 78 today.  He was born in 1934 in West Allis, Wi to Fred and Henrietta.  His was the youngest of three, his sisters being Janet and Sue.  His dad died when he was in grade school.  He hung out with the Werry boys, graduated from West Allis Central, went to Korea with a mess of other guys.  He came home married to mom, had me and my sisters, and set about living life.

Some of my earliest memories of Dad are him driving truck for the bakery (sometimes I got to go with), playing catch, going to grammas and grampas on Sundays and holidays.  Christmas presents and traveling around the country.  Cub scouts, George Webbs.  Watching Packer games. Watching all sports. Guess I had it pretty good as a kid.  There were some choppy times after that for the both of us, but got it all worked out eventually.

Dad was happy when he turned 50.  He was the longest living male in his family line.  He smoked way too much.  He drank too much.  He didn't get exercise, and ate poorly.  Eventually he needed bypass surgery.   He did take better care of himself after that.  Him and mom were divorced by then.  He was working at the car parts store, and seemed okay with it.  And he started fishing.  All he would do and talk about was going fishing on the weekend.  In the first 25 years or so of my life I don't recall him ever fishing.  I never fished.  He said he loved fishing---always had.  Seemed strange.

Dad was so happy when Stew and Aleah came along.  They were showered with gifts, and doted after  as grand kids always are.  He took them fishing!   He died when Stew was in 4th grade, Leah 3rd.  Dad was just starting to figure out soccer---he would have been so proud of both kids with all they have accomplished in school and sports and what not. 

I have a picture around here somewhere of the last time I saw my dad.  He was living in Arkansas by then, retied and fishing.  It was the summer summer of 2000, and we were heading home on one of our family vacations.  We spent a couple of days with him and Arlene.  He seemed okay, was just starting to embrace the computer age.  He would have been amazed.  We would talk on the phone (not enough), and he seemed okay.  He was getting ready to take an Alaskan cruise in 2001 when he decided to have a physical before his trip.  They found something with his heart, told him he needed surgery.  He called from the hospital.  I offered to go down t Arkansas, but he said not to worry, he would be okay.  He never made it out of surgery though. Dad died Feb 12, 2001. 

I tried to learn from pop, both the good and bad.  He definitely wasn't flawless, but he was my Dad.  So happy birthday Dad.  I miss ya......

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