Friday, September 21, 2012


I am now angry at the ACLU.  They have done many things over the years, some I have agreed with, some not.  But now they have gone too far......

Thanks to the ACLU, father-daughter dances are now banned in Rhode Island, as "gender discrimination".  Probably will take hold everywhere now.  Apparently a single mother complained that her daughter was prevented from attending the father-daughter dance.  Now I feel for kids who for whatever reason don't have two parents.  I think it makes it tough on them.  But to complain to the ACLU because your kid can't go to a dance?  C'mon. 

I have some "news" for some of the people out there.  As much as we'd like it, not everyone gets to do everything.  You may not like it, and it may not be "fair", but it is a fact of life.  People have different opportunities.  Some people have more money, some have more smarts, others more athletically inclined, others come from better home lives.  This seems to me like one of those situations where "If I can't have it, nobody else can either".  Well ain't always fair.  Get used to it.

I remember going to the father-daughter dance with my daughter when she was in the fifth grade.  I had a wonderful time, and hope she did too.  And guess what?  Not all the girls had a father there.  I saw other relatives, friends, and even mothers....I don't recall anyone complaining.  I suppose my friend Jim should have been angry, because he only had sons.  Probably should have cancelled the event because he couldn't participate.  Yeah right.  With all the problems going around, this is what they choose to sue about?  Maybe the University (public, I mention it) will have a father-daughter dance---I'd be there in a minute....

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