As I find myself getting older I am finding I really don't care about a lot of things that I used to. Like...I really don't care about people's political views. I find it hard to believe the amount of money being spent on elected offices. From presidential to senatorial to congressional. Even governorships. And its not just one side or the other. They take any subject and twist it around and make themselves look righteous. Do a little research, figure out what is best for you, get out and vote. And remember, you gotta' live with it.
I really don't care what your religion is. Recently I was reading Time magazine, and something that really caught my attention was that 85% of Americans believed in heaven. 85% of Americans can't agree on anything! But I don't think Catholics are better than Methodists, Jews better than Muslums. Everybody has their own beliefs. If you choose to worship, fantastic. You don't want to, no problem from me. I have no idea how many different religions there are worldwide, but I'm glad to let people have there own beliefs. I do wish they would do it a little more peacfully though...
I really don't care about your sexual orientation. Really don't care. Why is it anyone's business what you do with another person? If your happy, knock yourself out. I'm pretty sure if I'm not comfortable I can avoid people. I am sure they do the same with me. No problem with that either way. I also don't think you need to tell people I'm gay or I'm straight or whatever. Just be what you are. I respect your right to happiness.
I really don't care what color you are. White, black, red, brown, yellow, purple, green---tired of it, don't care. People are different. Look different. Talk different. Dress different. Eat different. Different histories. I understand people have been discriminated against. I understand sterotypes. I also know people of differnt color who I like, and people of my color who I don't. Think its time to get over this stuff people.
I think what I've finally learned is people are people. Everyone wants to be happy, safe, fed, free to do what they want. Everybody hurts, has fears, is concerned. Everybody needs somebody. I'm perfectly happy to live and let live, let everyone be happy.
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