Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Old friends

Old Friends

I saw Tom yesterday, an ex-coworker and pretty much all around good guy.  He greeted me "Hello old friend".  Now I consider Tom a friend but I got to wondering if I consider him an old friend.

When I think of old friend, I think of someone I have known for a long time.  I have cintact with absolutly nobody that I went to grade school with.  We moved when I was in the seventh grade, and I never kept in touch with anyone.  My childhood best friend moved away when we were in the fourth grade.  Talked to him once when I was in college, but that's it.  I did find him on Facebook, but I have no idea what you say to someone you haven't talked to in 45 years.

I don't have any friends from high school.  I see one guy I went to high school with almost everyday, but we are not really friends.  We're friendly, but that's about it.  I have been to a reunion.  It was my ONE year high school reunion.  It was the last time I've seen some of those people.  I live within 15 miles of the high school.  I get out and about.  You'd think I'd at least run into someone....

I do have friends from college!  Met these people about 33 or 34 years ago.  Old Friends!  Dugan, Dan and Russ, Shoobie and Mose.  I spent a lot of time with these guys (along  with some others).  We shared all kinds of stuff.  Don't see them near as much as I'd like, but a little distance and families and jobs will do that.  Still have a great time when we get together.

I guess that brings me to my neighbors and friends in the Falls.  We've been out here for 18 years now, and I've acquired some pretty good friends here.  Jim and Dave, Dan and Brian, probably would all be considered old friends.There are a lot of others I'd call friends, but these guys (and their wives!) I'd call old friends. 

What I guess I'm trying to say is that an old friend is really a good friend.  Probably someone you can go to when you need something, or question something or want to share memories.  Old friends are probably the best friends--as Roger Miller said (sang)  Lord when all my days are done bless my life and grant me one Old Friend..  At least one Old Friend...

1 comment:

  1. Nice one, old friend! I always realize the value of old friends on my birthday. My gal pals from let's say age 5 on up all come through with a goofy card, a phone call, e-mail....always a great day and a reminder of how special they are to me.
